The new platform of the Alumni Club of the Faculty of Business Management EUBA has as its basic mission to create a space for cooperation and communication of alumni of the faculty with members of the academic community of the faculty, to intensify cooperation in ensuring the fulfillment of the mission of the faculty in the field of education, science and research and, at the same time, to obtain information about the applicability of graduates of the faculty, as well as obtaining feedback from alumni in order to improve the quality of pedagogical and scientific research processes at the faculty.

The main areas of activity of the club are:

Alumni self (ASaV zone)

What can we enable? What can we offer?

  • regular event "Alumni Day".
  • Alumni Thursdays - discussions on professional topics, reflecting events in the economy and business environment.
  • Co-organization of international scientific conferences, scientific and pedagogical events, professional seminars.
  • Cooperation in solving basic and applied research projects.

Alumni to Alumni (AA Zone)

What do we want to support?

  • Providing professional lectures for students by representatives of economic practice (graduates of the faculty).
  • Participation of graduates in the evaluation and development of study programmes provided by the faculty.
  • Collaboration in the assignment of final (bachelor, diploma and doctoral) theses, in their solution and reviewing.
  • Organisation of professional competitions and student awards.
  • Opportunity to search for talents among students.
  • Assistance in the implementation of professional practices, work placements, excursions for students.