Priority areas and research results of the department for the year 2021-2022
In the year 2021-2022, the Department of Business Economics was involved in a total of 11 projects, including 4 VEGA projects, 1 KEGA project, 1 international project and 2 projects of young researchers and 3 research activities from other entities. The above projects determined the comprehensive research profile of the Department in the period 2021-2022 and thus its overall scientific and research focus.
Among the most significant research results achieved at the Department of Business Economics for the year 2021 can be included in particular:
The definition of a narrower subject of scientific investigation within the entities operating in the creative industries, according to the criterion of their economic significance.
Analyzing and testing the entrepreneurial dimension of the selected sample of the subject of investigation by means of modified methods, testing of predictive bankruptcy models, employee competence model.
Definition of the possibilities of transformation of intangible assets of creative industry entities into financial form, definition and characterisation of the individual phases of their life cycle, analysis of the types of innovations of CP entities that they create and implement and testing of their innovation process in relation to the creation of economic value, including in the context of creating partnership links with other entities.
Testing the factors influencing the performance of CCI entities and formulating a set ofrecommendations for the management of CCI entities and testing the pricing strategies of creative industry entities.
Decision making of firms in imperfectly competitive markets, green economy and consumer utility.
Research on the conditions of ethical information system in scientific research institutions.
Educational and information system CONPROT, according to the target groups at the EU in Bratislava and externally, for professional and lay public.
Identification, diagnosis and analysis of the relationship between the typology of intellectually disadvantaged methods and tools for their inclusion.
Assessment of the current status of family businesses in Slovakia and generational change/succession in them and the factors influencing succession and generational change as a specific phase of the life cycle in family businesses ensuring the sustainability of the business for future generations.
Mapping the current state of sustainable development issues in family businesses, testing the correlation between financial performance indicators and selected sustainable growth indicators.
Analysis of the financial health of family businesses as a factor affecting the financial sustainability of family businesses, testing of selected Slovak prediction models on a sample of family businesses and verification of the predictive ability of the selected models through ROC analysis.
The priority research areas of the Department of Business Economics in 2022 will be:
Continued research in the area of green innovation and its innovative diffusion in imperfect markets.
Continuing research on sustainable business development and sustainable consumption while maintaining the market competitiveness of businesses.