Dear students, 

We would like to invite you to the attractive competition under the auspices of the dean Assoc. Prof. Ing. Anita Romanova, PhD.


WHEN: 20/04/2023 starting at 9.00 a.m.

WHERE: University Hall and University of Economics in Bratislava




🌞 Solution of 1 selected problem in 3 countries as "Best Practice"

🌞 Your own choice of a topic according to one or more goals of sustainable development


🌞 Processing - 1 topic (1 selected problem) in 3 countries with a comparison of solutions (in each country)

🌞 International team - 3 students from 3 countries, one from Slovakia

🌞 Language - English

🌞 Presentation duration - max. 12 min.

🌞 File type – PowerPoint



🌞 The title page of the presentation will include:

  •  the goal(s) of sustainable development (1 to 17)
  •  name, surname, country, mail (for each student)

🌞 To register the team until 20/03/2023

🌞 To send the team presentation until 17/04/2023



🌞 Email address: or

🌞 Mailing subject: SF´23


🌞 Various awards from various jury committees

🌞 Diploma for the winners/ Certificate for each participant


In order to promote positive awareness and promote organized public events, the University of Economics in Bratislava produces visual and audio recordings and publishes them on its website. In case of reservations to the published video and audio recordings, please make these reservations in writing to the following e-mail address: . Complete information on personal data processing here.