The tradition of practical lectures with experts on sustainable entrepreneurship continued at our faculty in the summer semester 2022/2023 on the course "Current Trends in Environmental and Social Entrepreneurship". This course focuses on a practical explanation of current ESG (environmental - social - governance) trends, which are the basic pillars within CSR (corporate social responsibility). The aim of the course is to go through the subject in cooperation with the leaders of Slovak companies focusing on the issue of corporate social responsibility/ESG and nowadays the implementation of CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive).

In this summer semester we managed to secure individual lectures with really excellent leaders who presented really interesting and inspiring presentations - "ESG best practice" with adequate management and reporting, despite their size. Given the current post-pandemic situation, the course was again held in a face-to-face format, which contributed to an extremely communicative format and intense interaction with the students.

The aim of each presenter was to explain to the students innovative solutions to societal challenges that are currently emerging in the field of social environment and environmental protection.

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