Pozývame všetkých študentov a zamestnancov EU v Bratislave na slávnostné otvorenie akademického roka 2023/2024, ktoré sa uskutoční v stredu 20. septembra 2023 o 11:30 hod. v Aule EU v Bratislave.
Fakulta podnikového manažmentu v júni 2023 žila slávnostnými promóciami.
Although a week later, due to the rainy conditions of the original date of 9/6/2023, volunteers from the University of Economics in Bratislava (EUBA) met for the fifth time, in full commitment, at the largest corporate volunteering event in Slovakia, Our City 2023 (NM'23), with the apt slogan on the T-shirt "MY HEART IS IN THE RIGHT PLACE". From the current source of the organizing Pontis Foundation, it follows that EUBA has contributed 188 volunteers so far. This year, it participated again successfully as the only university in Slovakia.
As the only university member of the BLF, the EUBA is very actively involved in this voluntary activity, precisely based on the effective implementation of the ESG strategy realized in ordinary activities of an educational and motivational nature. In a very pleasant manner and under beautiful sunny weather, the volunteers intensively implemented the improvement, beautification, and revitalization of the premises of Domka, the Salesian Youth Association, and the Bratislava Center on Mamateyova street in Petržalka, with intentions of sustainability. They ecologically removed weeds and garbage from the motor track, playground, and garden, and cleaned and painted parts of the perimeter fence.
Domka - the Association of Salesian Youth is a civic association that brings together more than 8,000 members throughout Slovakia. It is devoted to children and young people - its target group is people from 6 to 30 years old and it is one of the largest youth organizations in Slovakia. In 28 centers throughout Slovakia, it offers children and young people not only meaningful use of free time but especially friendly relationships, a family atmosphere, the possibility of personal growth, and much more. It covers the activities of the association: from meetings, clubs, camps, football tournaments, spiritual renewal, spiritual exercises, the DofE project and Orientation days, to cleaning brigades and other irregular events. (https://www.domka.sk/o-domke/, 2023). For these large-scale and broad-spectrum focused activities, which create positive ethical values in children, youth, and young people in a very friendly way using experiential methods, 42 volunteers from the EUBA very purposefully decided to support with their volunteer efforts, energy, and work unequivocally again, already its strategic partner, the neighboring Petržalka Domka.
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Tento rok sme na Ekonomickej univerzite v spolupráci s University of Wisconsin - La Crosse oslávili jubilejný 10. ročník Letnej školy - International Business Consulting Program (IBCP). Desať študentov z našej univerzity sa zapojilo do prípravy cenných projektov z oblasti podnikateľskej praxe spolu so študentmi z USA.
Študentskej vedeckej činnosti (ŠVOČ), ktorá sa na Fakulte podnikového manažmentu EU v Bratislave konala 15. mája 2023, zúčastnilo 9 zaujímavých prác, s náročnosťou danou bakalárskemu a inžinierskemu stupňu štúdia.
Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave zastúpená rektorom prof. Ing. Ferdinandom Daňom, PhD. a mesto Levice zastúpené primátorom RNDr. Jánom Krtíkom podpísali 2. júna 2023 Memorandum o spolupráci a porozumení. Na stretnutí boli prítomní dekanka Fakulty podnikového manažmentu Ekonomickej univerzity v Bratislave doc. Ing. Anita Romanová PhD., prvý prodekan Fakulty podnikového manažmentu Ekonomickej univerzity v Bratislave doc. Ing. Vladimír Bolek, PhD., zástupca primátora mesta Levice Mgr. Peter Benček, riaditeľka Tekovskej knižnice v Leviciach PhDr. Vlasta Kollárová, za Univerzitu tretieho veku Ekonomickej univerzity Bratislave PaedDr. Janka Sebera Chládecká, PhD., MBA a Ing. Mária Šajmírová.
This semester, we again ran a successful course with students at the FPM focusing on Corporate Social Responsibility/Sustainable Business/ESG Management and Financing, and currently primarily on the implementation of the CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive).
The tradition of practical lectures with experts on sustainable entrepreneurship continued at our faculty in the summer semester 2022/2023 on the course "Current Trends in Environmental and Social Entrepreneurship". This course focuses on a practical explanation of current ESG (environmental - social - governance) trends, which are the basic pillars within CSR (corporate social responsibility). The aim of the course is to go through the subject in cooperation with the leaders of Slovak companies focusing on the issue of corporate social responsibility/ESG and nowadays the implementation of CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive).
Dňa 11. mája 2023 Fakulta podnikového manažmentu privítala na svojej pôde 30 študentov rôznych ročníkov Fakulty ekonomiky a podnikania Univerzity v Maribore.
Súčasťou Ekonomickej univerzity v Bratislave je už niekoľko rokov Univerzita tretieho veku. Seniorov, študentov je možné stretnúť pravidelne na chodbách našej „alma mater“. Je všeobecne známe, že štúdium Univerzity tretieho veku prichádza aj do miest, kde nie sú vysoké školy a kde nemôžu seniori študovať v mieste svojho bydliska.
Koncom apríla sa zástupcovia Fakulty podnikového manažmentu Ekonomickej univerzity v Bratislave aktívne zapojili do medzinárodného týždňa na Moravian Business College v Olomouci.
Odbor pre strategickú komunikáciu Kancelárie Bezpečnostnej rady SR srdečne pozýva študentov a študentky na odbornú diskusiu o zhodnotenia 19-tich rokov členstva Slovenska v Európskej únii.