The state examinations at the Faculty of Business Management will be held on the dates and within the exact time schedule:

26. 05. 2025 - 29. 05. 2025

Always from 8:45 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. depending on the number of students in the board. Students are scheduled for the state exams on the exact time schedule.

The schedules for the individual days of the state examinations will be published: 19/05/2025.

State examination question outlines for the program of study:

General Management 

Diploma thesis defense


# Conditions for completion of the academic year and enrolment in the state examination and defence of the final thesis:

1. The student is REQUIRED to register for the state exam via AIS2 by 18 of May 2025.

2. We kindly request students to register for the state examination in AISe only after fulfilling all the requirements and recording all assessments in AIS2 for the second stage of study.

3. After this date, the system will be closed and logging in will no longer be possible!


The resit state examinations will take place on the following date: 25. 08. 2025.