Subject III. degree | Information sheet [Download]
The course leader
- Ing. Jana Blštáková, PhD.
The course instructor
- Ing. Jana Blštáková, PhD.
Taught in: 1st year of masters’ degree studies, spring semester in International Management program
Education rate and the form to pass the course: Full time education 2/2 credit/examination, weekly load 4 hours, total load 52 hours, seminar credit and final exam
Credits: 6
Aim of the course:
Major aims and objectives of the course are to enable students to obtain the latest knowledge in the area of company compensation techniques, to handle principles and methodology of compensation system designing and creating including the application of certain performance stimulation instruments.
- Employees’ motivation
- Stimulation means
- Compensation system design
- Job evaluation
- Wage and its role
- Wage scale system
- Legislation and compensation
- Wage forms
- Benefits
- Rewarding specific categories of employees
- Rewarding performance and employees participation programs
- Intangible forms of stimulation means
- Latest tendencies and the use of information technologies in reward system application.
- Obligatory
- Michael Armstrong: Armstrong’s Handbook of Human Resource Management Pratice, 2009
- Peter Boxal, John Purcell, Patrick Wright: The Oxford Handbook of Human Resource Management, 2008
- Optional:
- Boxall, P.- Purcell, J.- Wright, P.: The Oxford Handbook of Human Resource Management, Oxford University Press, 2010.